Garden and Tree Pest Management
Pest are everywhere in nature. Pest management in tree are not to eradicate all pest but to minimize damage level below economic thresh hold. Wood borers damage wood by tunneling at the larval (grub) stage for food or leaving an emergence hole on the surface of the wood after becoming an adult (beetle). These emergence holes (‘pin holes’) are quite visible and are usually the first signs of an active infestation of wood borer. Semi oil based Odorless insecticide will be injected by using syringe/ hand sprayer on the wooden damaged surfaces.
The word rodent means “to gnaw”. The most common type of rodents is House mouse, Norway rat, roof rat and bandicoot. They can be found not only in our homes, but also in supermarkets, restaurants, warehouses, food processing industries, livestock, and farm fields. Besides eating our food they spoil it by contamination with their feces, urine, or fur.
Sanitation is the first consideration in rodent control. Rodent control will be carried out by trapping or baiting. Trapping of rodents will be Safer than potential hazardous poison baits. The result will be quick and Easy disposal of dead rodents avoiding odor problems that will occur if rodenticides kill rodents in inaccessible areas. Baiting for rodents has many bait placements containing a small amount of bait, rather than a large amount of bait in fewer locations.
In a tropical country like India, having a mosquito-free house may seem like a distant dream, and the monsoon season only makes things worse. Most of us use insect-repellent sprays, coils, or liquids to get rid of mosquitoes or kill mosquitoes at home. However, most of these are high in chemicals and may cause breathing problems.